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Into the future with recycled raw materials. Otherwise there is no future

Recycled raw materials – also incorrectly called secondary raw materials even though there is nothing “secondary” about them – are raw materials that are not made from natural resources, such as ore and crude oil, but recovered from existing products and materials. Recycled raw materials are indispensable for a sustainable economy and, ultimately, are the only way to ensure that future generations around the world will also have sufficient supplies of natural resources. Compared to the so-called primary or virgin raw materials, recycled raw materials have a whole number of other advantages as well. Which is why it makes absolute sense to promote their production and use.

Advantages of recycled raw materials

Good arguments for recycled raw materials

Recycled raw materials offer economic, environmental and social advantages – i.e. in all areas of sustainability.     

Politicians need to take action

What needs to be done for recycled raw materials to be more successful? An Ecodesign Directive, for example, that not only focuses on energy efficiency but on the raw material efficiency of products and their packaging as well.

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